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Bring your joy, share your sorrow and explore your questions.

Worship leaders include Karen Dale [minister], Barry Peters [music director] & the choir, members of the congregation who lead prayers and read scripture.

Masking is a choice - do what is right for you.

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May Worship Series Outline

Live Bold! Moved by the Spirit – 4 week series

 May 5           Anniversary Service

May 12         Luke 4: 16 - 21       

May 19         Acts 2: 1-12. Pentecost Service of Communion

May 26         Acts 4: 31-35


Theme description

The Holy Spirit was an essential part of Jesus’ ministry, as told by the gospel writer Luke, who also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. Not only was Jesus enlivened by the Spirit, Jesus also taught his disciples that the Holy Spirit would be an essential part of their ministry.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:31)