HAIR will NOT meet on Monday May 20 (Victoria Day).  However we will conclude the year with an in-person potluck meeting in the chapel at 6:00 on Monday May 27.  Please bring either an appetizer, a salad or a dessert.  Please also bring your own plate, cutlery and cup/glass, so that we won’t leave any cleanup tasks behind us.  I hope to see you next Monday.

HAIR meetings will resume in the fall of 2024.

Our Monday evening study group, HAIR (Heretics, Agnostics, Infidels and Other Riffraff), meets weekly from 7:00 – 8:30 pm, on Zoom.  HAIR intends to be a place of inquiry and questioning, where doubts and questions are expressed, uncertainties about our faith and its relevance to our daily lives are raised, and the application of the teachings and principles of our Christian faith to major issues of our time are explored, and where we have interesting and stimulating discussions.

  Recently we have mainly used videos of TED talks to launch discussion, and dealt with such topics as environmentalism, racism, social justice, ethics, science and religion, and healthy ageing. In the past we have also watched and discussed DVD series, and read and discussed thought-provoking books and articles, and we keep looking for stimulating new material.  

These discussions are open to anyone interested, and new members are always welcome.  For further information, or to get the zoom link for our next meeting, please contact David Leyton-Brown at