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Richmond Hill United Church's next in-person Men’s Breakfast will be on Saturday, May 11th, 2024.  Coffee, tea and conversation will begin at 8:00 am followed by breakfast at 8:30 am, prepared by our UCW friends.  All are most welcome, so please feel free to invite your friends and loved ones.  The Men’s Breakfast is a time of fellowship and camaraderie for all genders.  Please contact us if you’re interested in more information about it. Cost is $15 / person, with net proceeds to the UCW. Kindly RSVP Harry Ramsaran ( or at (647) 389-4758 by Thursday, May 9th. Thank you!

After Breakfast we are delighted to have our very own DJ McCready speaking on the "Economy". Have you asked yourself about why the economy has behaved the way it has since March 2020? Have you wondered why there are so many different opinions about what might happen in 2024? Why has the US economy prospered and Canada has not? What factors have influenced the actions of the central banks and why are people saying there might be a recession? This will not be a classroom lecture but an attempt to put some of these questions into perspective.

 DJ McCready has been an active member of RHUC since 2011. He is an economist with degrees from University of Windsor, London School of Economics (M. Sc.) and University of Alberta (Ph.D). He specialized in Public Finances and Health Economics, taught from 1969 -2009 at Wilfrid Laurier University and has since continued to date to do  contract teaching on-line and in the classroom.  He has a textbook published in 1986. His most recent research was on Selenium and HIV in Kenya and Rwanda. DJ is a father of 3 sons, grandfather of 8 and soon to be a great-grandfather. He has been on Academic Boards, and community boards throughout his life and currently serves on the Board of CAYR and is Chair of the RHUC Board.


Kind Regards


Harry Ramsaran,


647 389 4758